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Helping families navigate the NICU journey, one miracle at a time.

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The leading provider of NICU family support in the Delaware Valley...and beyond.

10 years of providing hope and building community through personal and financial support for families who experience the NICU.

A NICU Baby in the hospital- Today Is A Good Day
A NICU Baby in the hospital- Today Is A Good Day
A NICU Baby in the hospital- Today Is A Good Day
Welcome to the new online home of TIAGD!

Providing hope and building community through personal and financial support for families who experience the NICU.


A world where every family

who experiences the NICU feels supported throughout their journey


Lead with Empathy • Create Community

Be Inclusive • Demonstrate Integrity

Build Trust  • Commit To Excellence


Today Is A Good Day NICU Miracles

"Today is a Good Day supported me during my NICU journey by reminding me I’m not alone.”

When several families were asked to describe the NICU experience, they all said the same thing: a scary roller coaster ride full of unknowns. It is through this shared experience that Today is a Good Day was born. Hear the full story from our founders and watch as others explain just how much our resources helped them through their NICU journey, and beyond.

22 Weeks

Keeley & Kambry

Keeley and Kambry are identical (Mono/Di) twins who were diagnosed with Twin To Twin Transfusion Syndrome in utero at 16 weeks gestation. Jade, their Mother, underwent surgery at 18 weeks gestation at the Cincinnati Fetal Center to correct the TTTS. The surgery was successful. This prolonged the pregnancy by 4 weeks and the girls were born 125 days premature at 22 weeks and 1 day.

26 Weeks


Sept 29,2021 , at 25 weeks pregnant I went in for a routine ultrasound to check on our little gem to see how she was doing as I was switching my care team. Nothing could prepare me for what would happen next.

32 Weeks


After having our daughter at 26 weeks in 2014, we waited two years before trying to get pregnant again. We knew the chance of having another preemie was relatively high, but we wanted to give our daughter a sibling. We hoped that Makena injections and frequent monitoring would help us to carry our next baby to term.

39 Weeks


Patrick was born full term at 39 weeks after a healthy pregnancy. During his birth, the cord wrapped around his head and neck, and sent him into distress due to lack of oxygen. He inhaled meconium and was delivered unresponsive.

NICU Miracles

Upcoming Events

Dozens of Hospital and Community Partners nationwide.

Hospital Partnerships are key to advancing the mission of Today is a Good Day. Our goal is to partner with a hospital from the moment a family is admitted to the NICU. We aim to create a positive patient experience for families navigating the NICU journey. Each partnership is unique based upon the hospital’s needs and priorities.


Looking to make connections with other NICU families?

Not sure where to start?

We can help! TIAGD has inumerable programs and resources to help families and would-be volunteers alike. We are always open to meeting new families who have navigated or are navigating the NICU journey.

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